Habitat for Triops: Water pH

Once you purchase the right container, you will now put water in it. If you got the hatchlings, you can’t use tap water. You will need to get the de-ionized or distilled water. Mineral and chemical content can damage the hatchlings because bacterial spikes are often promoted. To avoid death, you need to use distilled water. But don’t worry because once the hatchlings are bigger, you can now use tap water. Just use water conditioner so that chlorine is removed. There are different brands of water conditioner in the market so be sure to pick the best one. Ammonia, chloramines, and chlorine should be removed or else your Triops might die.

The pH level of the water is very important. Since the Triops are of different species, you will need to know the specifics when it comes to pH level. However, the ideal pH level for both the longicaudatus and cancriformis ranges from 7.0 – 9.0. The former can even tolerate a 10.0 pH but will die in water with less than 6.0 pH. You can easily adjust the pH levels by using special chemicals. You can use baking soda or the sodium bicarbonate to raise the water’s pH level. As long as the water is within the preferred range, the Triops will live comfortably and will not be very sensitive to fluctuations.

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