Getting Triops Kits

Kits of these small creatures are now widely available as they make excellent pets. Even kids can enjoy growing these crustaceans. Once you get the eggs, you will need to put them in an artificial habitat you’ve prepared for them. You need to ensure that the water temperature us maintained between 75 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees; to do this, you can use a lamp with 75 to 100 watt bulb.

Within twelve hours, you will be now witness the life cycle of the Triops. In 12 hours, you will see the eggs hatch. It can be hard to see how the eggs hatch because the Triops are still quite small. Often times, you will be able to see the tiny Triops after several days, when they are already reddish brown in color. At this point, the Triops look like squiggly larvae.

On the 4th day, you can now start feeding the Triops. Yeast solution is a perfect food for your new Triops. You can prepare this by making a solution out of 5-10 g of baker’s yeast (dried) and 2 c of warm water. Stir the solution and put 5 Tbsp of it inside the tank. In order for the Triops to grow, they need to undergo molting or shedding. These molted shells will also be eaten by the Triops.

You should be aware that Triops are quite cannibalistic. Make sure that you provide sufficient food inside the container or tank; otherwise, the Triops will start feeding on each other. To prevent a disaster like this one, you should provide lots of foods. When the Triops are fully grown, you will see them staying at the bottom of the tank, digging and looking for food.

Watching the Triops grow is definitely interesting. Since the Triops can live for a maximum of three months or 90 days, you can easily study their life cycle. The Triops grow quickly and by the time they mature, they will start laying eggs again. A new generation of Triops will then be produced and the old ones will eventually die of age. This is the law of nature and even Triops are not exempted. Still, this specie is one of the toughest since they have been around for millions of years and yet their appearance didn’t change.

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